Sunday, February 26, 2012

People Watching

Every since I can remember, I have always enjoyed people watching.  Observing the dynamics, quirks, and everyday ennui, interests me enough that I can spend hours being a fly on the wall.  Add a camera, and I can actually document the fascinating mundane.  Yes, I know that’s an oxymoron and yes, I know I sound a little bit creepy.  Sorry. 

Today the weather was pleasant, I was alone in my apartment, and I could hear music coming three blocks away from what I assumed was the park.  Being the month of “Carnival,” things in Buenos Aires have been a little bit more musical than usual.  So, I got dressed, packed my Canon point and shoot and headed out.  Saturdays are my favorite day of week here.  People flock to the parks, vendors set out blankets advertising an assortment of handicrafts and used goods for sale, and the opportunity to people watch is much is at its best.  My goal for the day was to work on taking some candid shots, something that has always been difficult for me.  I always feel self conscious whipping out my camera and taking pictures of random people doing random things.  Sometimes I get smiles, sometimes frowns, I also get blank looks, curious looks, irritated looks, amused looks, and sometimes when I take pictures of kids, I get a “stop taking pictures of my kid you creep” look.  Understandable, I am good enough at reading body language to know when someone does not want their picture taken.   That’s fine.  I sometimes feel the same way when my husband put his camera in my face. 

I spent two hours of circling the park, listening to live music and taking in Argentine life on a Saturday afternoon.  Then the rain clouds rolled in, and it was time to go home.  When I got back home I uploaded my pictures on my computer, and was not surprised to discover that a lot of the pictures I look are crappy.  Unfocused, uninteresting, ordinary.  I’m not a professional photographer, not even semi, I just like taking pictures, and I am still learning how to use my camera. Yet in my mix of unprofessional pictures, I managed to pick out a few that I like, a few that show what Argentines like to do in the park on a Saturday.
Feeling the Music

The Kiss

Caballo de la Parque


Ajedrez (Chess)

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