Sunday, July 29, 2012


If I could figure out a way to import toys from the US and sell them here... I could be rich.  Toys here are expensive, very expensive.  The cheap, plastic Family Dollar special that we might drop a couple bucks on back home in the states cost three times the amount here.  Most toys are imported from China and some are made here, but these are simple toys like dolls, plastic balls, water guns, basically: cheap plastic junk.  Toys imported from the US and Europe costs an exorbitant amount of money.  Things like board games can run $40 to $50 USD.  Most toy stores offer a payment plan, where you can make a couple of monthly payments on your purchase.  With prices like these, kids here don’t have bedrooms overflowing with toys, and I honestly don’t think this is a bad thing at all, and I think kids learn to really appreciate a new toy, also not a bad thing in my opinion.  Big people toys are also expensive here, laptops, computer mice, iPods, cell phones, digital cameras and basically anything electronic sell for way more then the US sticker price.  It is things like this that make me realize just how cushy we have it back home, something that has been put into perspective a lot more these past six months.
"Toy Store"

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