Wednesday, August 29, 2012

City Tromping in Denver

While I was back home in Denver last week, I spent an afternoon with my mother strolling around downtown.  I managed, as always, to encounter some very unusual, friendly and interesting people.  Here are a few:

Monday, August 20, 2012

Home and Back

"The Beautiful Bride"
My blog has been neglected, but I was busy busy these past few weeks.  I recently made a trip back to my hometown of Denver, Colorado in order to attend two events: a wedding and a funeral. Since we are in the middle of the school year here in Buenos Aires, I was only home for a week, but it was worth the long flight.  This was my first time home in six months and I experienced very mild culture shock my first day, it was strange to be surrounded by English speakers, it felt good to drive my own car and stare out at beautiful mountains and not miles and miles of sky scrappers.  Colorado really is a beautiful state and I am lucky my parents and family live there.  Best of all, I was happy to be apart of my best friend's wedding.  We met in college and it has been difficult to be far away from her and my family.  I have moments when I miss them like crazy, but that is the bitter sweetness of living abroad, trading one home for another... at least we have the World Wide Web to help keep us connected.  

'The Happy Couple"
"Saying Goodbye"

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Band Pics

Here are a few pictures from the band photo gig my husband and I had a few weeks ago at the Niceto Club in Palermo.  If you are interested in seeing all the pictures, they can be viewed at:

"El Negro Albino"